Well today I finally started down the road to completion. One fender is hung, the other is ready to go but I will wait because I need the room for my big belly. The interior parts arrived and will be installed this week hopefully as I've changed from an air conditioned car to one with just heat. This saves a little weight and thats what I want. In the picture you can almost see that the dash has been gutted out and I am in the process of testing the guages, dash lights and making the instruments look brand new. I've got boxes here at work, boxes at home, and boxes on the way all parts new and used to put this thing back together better than when it left the factory.
Today is the first day after our snow storm and it is C O L D here. WE didn't get what was expected only receiving 6 or 7 inches but we did get some wind making seeing while driving next to imposible. This mornings commute proved just that as the ditches caught the unlucky ones. Well bak to work, I think I'll install the heater today. Its one step at a time, and spring is closer than I realize.