Spanish bla bla bla golden something metallic, but plain ol'e Grandpa Gold hits the spot. I'm sure my tooling around in this thing will have the Masses staring at the ground and shaking their heads in disgust. Another old man wanting to be young and waisting precious resources. Since I'm not the dumb ass that some think I am, I have completely designed this thing to run on E85 fuel. Thats right only 15 % of petrol used is gasoline. This thing may only get 10 or 12 miles per gallon but when you do the math 100 miles driven at 10 MPG equates to a mere 1.5 gallon of actual gas used. This I believe will shut up the masses it gets 66 mpg. on fossil fuel. And consider E85 is going for a little more than $2.00 per gallon, another plus. Now if I can only remember how to get down off of my pulpit without falling.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Lets call it Grandpa Gold
Spanish bla bla bla golden something metallic, but plain ol'e Grandpa Gold hits the spot. I'm sure my tooling around in this thing will have the Masses staring at the ground and shaking their heads in disgust. Another old man wanting to be young and waisting precious resources. Since I'm not the dumb ass that some think I am, I have completely designed this thing to run on E85 fuel. Thats right only 15 % of petrol used is gasoline. This thing may only get 10 or 12 miles per gallon but when you do the math 100 miles driven at 10 MPG equates to a mere 1.5 gallon of actual gas used. This I believe will shut up the masses it gets 66 mpg. on fossil fuel. And consider E85 is going for a little more than $2.00 per gallon, another plus. Now if I can only remember how to get down off of my pulpit without falling.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Something different
I seem to be drawn to things that are big loud and dirty. Walford didn't have rail service for some time until the Crandic bought the rights to the line from the Rock Island. The track rites have been rented to the Iowa Interstate Railroad whom is also based in C.R. Since at least one train a day passes thru Walford each day it makes life in this
little burg interesting. As I drive to work the tracks parallel the highway just west of Fairfax and low and behold something new was on the tracks. When the whole transportation industry is in the toilet just to see a company take pride in what it does makes me very proud. Iowa Interstate is bringing back and honoring some of the old lines that were lost during purchases mergers and the like. In these pictures the Rock Island is proudly leading the pack. Admittedly the pictures could be better but maybe when the weather turns a little warmer and I get a better camera. It must have been a big day because rail fans were perched up and down Hwy 151 taking pictures of the grand parade.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Putting E V E R Y T H I N G back together
Today is the first day after our snow storm and it is C O L D here. WE didn't get what was expected only receiving 6 or 7 inches but we did get some wind making seeing while driving next to imposible. This mornings commute proved just that as the ditches caught the unlucky ones. Well bak to work, I think I'll install the heater today. Its one step at a time, and spring is closer than I realize.
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