Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ok so I'm new to this and don't always read instructions.

New to this

This is the first of many hopefully, as I am kind of a quiet person that never did share much. What I write will most probably reflect my current state of mind be it pissed off or in a light hearted mood. I will try to add interesting things on a timely basis but working long hours in agriculture makes it hard to find the time to do this. Come to think of it, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing this for anyway. This blog hopefully will be about cars mainly Mopar products as I am addicted to them. I've owned GM products, and Ford products but always came bach home to the motherland. Hot rods have been a part of my life from the time I was born, as I understand my late father raced midgets in the late 40's and early 50's. From stories told his abilities kept him off the track more than on, and on four wheels. Never the less he raced cars. Not many can say that. Let me end this with a picture of my latest challenge. A 1966 Plymouth Satellite