Well family or not at lest someone is reading my blog. I liken this to walking in the country at night with no moon. One can look up at the stars and I always get the feeling that I'm never alone. As we near Thanksgiving, my thoughts for this writing memorable past holidays. One comes to mind as our first Thanksgiving in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in our new home. The property had an older natural gas grill in the back yard and this was to be where the turkey was cooked and my father doing the grilling. I have since found out that grilling is a man thing and probably
genetically implanted from those cave days. The day was overcast and dreary with the threat of rain constantly. My one and only instruction was to turn up the heat when and IF it started raining as my father left on one of his many trips to who knows where. Again I think this is a male genetic trait. At first it started to sprinkle, then rain in my opinion, so after review with mom up went he heat. As in baking the turkey one never stands there and stares at the oven, I didn't stand there and stare at the grill. When I did check on the turkey I found the grill completely on fire. Yes the whole thing. Lucky that our new house was one with an outside faucet. My father entered the back yard to find me hosing down the grill and bird all while the stupid dogs ran around the back yard barking. Now as in the past we live with the addage of ya eat what ya kill, and I sure killed the Thanksgiving bird which we ate. You bet cleaned it off and ate what remained. Myself I like over cooked things and that turkey was the best I can remember but I'm wierd. Sometimes I like my meat on the crunchy side. This episode by the way was the last time we cooked on that grill or turkey on the new grill for that matter.