Friday, October 16, 2009


Well finally sheet metals coming off and as I'd hoped I'm the first one to put a wrench on the fender bolts since the factory. Not much fixing to do, just the usual fill a rust hole here and there, I put new metal in them and weld them shut, scrape the old undercoat off and sand--sand--sand. I'll paint the interior of the doors, hang the new door panels and have the whole interior done before paint is applied to the body. This way I can completely tape the windows off and not worry about paint spray getting into the cabin. Last week was replacing the gas tank and that was one hell of a job to do. Along with the tank I replaced the springs with new rearched ones and am still not happy with the stance. But P275R15's DO fit the fender wells. The shop at this point looks like a tornado hit it with all the parts being spread around in piles.

1 comment:

  1. Well, well! I finally woke up and searched you out. Very silent are you? This is great, Scott. Nice pictures. Keep it up!!!
